Teknopolis receives an honorable mention of the journalistic awards of Robotiker
2002/05/24 Andonegi Beristain, Garazi - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa
Pedro Guillén has been the winner of the first prize with the work "Ireland; the Celtic tiger".

The Teknopolis program of Elhuyar in Euskal Telebista has received an honorable mention in the Robotiker journalism awards. The objective of these awards is to promote the work of professionals in the media around new technologies. In the opinion of the jury, Teknopolis has been the best television program and its work of diffusion of new communications technologies has been worthy of honorable mention.
The center specializing in Information and Telecommunications Technologies, Robotiker, within the program of celebration of the 15th anniversary, launched the first call for the Robotiker Journalism Awards. The call was published under the slogan "From the industrial economy to the digital society".
The main objective of the Robotiker awards is to promote the work of professionals from different fields of communication (press, radio, television or Internet) for their contribution to the dissemination of the values of new technologies.
Winners of the Winners of the Winners
A total of 194 works were presented, of which five have been unanimously chosen:
- Two special mentions: two high quality works that have been the first in their category: a special mention for Alfonso Mujika and Lontzo Sainz for the program Teknopolis, issued in ETB1 (Basque) and ETB2 (Spanish).
- Two accésit:o para Igor Galo Anza por la obra " From the incunables to the e-book" published in the journal of children and youth literature. o Álex Fernández Mueres for his work "Basic Web Guide on Scientific Dissemination" published on www.iblnews.com.
- First prize and therefore winner of the Robotiker Prize 2001: or Pedro Guillén Carranza, for his magnificent article "Ireland; the Celtic tiger", published in the magazine E.comm. The work addresses the motto of the prize "From the industrial economy to the digital society" and satisfies all the obligations of scientific-technical disclosure, since it is agile for the current reader and offers rich content for the most technical reader.

The jury wanted to highlight the quality of all the works and thank the collaboration of its participants and all those who have made the prize a successful reality. Finally, the jury encourages the promoters and sponsors of the prize to make the next call for prizes in recognition of the important work of journalism in scientific-technical dissemination.
Teknopolis is exhibited on Sunday at noon at ETB-2 and around eight in the afternoon at ETB-1 in Basque.

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