Supersquid in Antarctica
2003/04/04 Elhuyar Zientzia

An imposing squid is caught in the waters of Antarctica, the first time a specimen of Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni is complete.
This species is believed to inhabit the abyssal environment of Antarctica, so until now only six specimens have been found: five in the stomach of the pigs and another in a trawling net at two thousand meters deep.
This grain will help to know the species better. For example, it can already be said that it is greater than the giant squid, Architeuthis dux. In addition, it has one of the largest peaks ever seen (as you can see in the image) and has uneven rotating hooks at the tip of the tentacles.
Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni is undoubtedly the largest species of squid known so far. A 2.5 metre specimen has been found, which as a young man can reach four metres in height. Considering that the longest known giant squid to date is 2.25 meters, there is something.

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