
Snake steering wheel zigzag

2003/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Flying snakes plan to move from tree to tree, which is achieved at moderate speed. And, in addition, they are able to change direction in flight. The key is to make asymmetric movements.

Flying snakes (Chrysopelea) inhabit the jungles of southern Asia, and to move from tree to tree, they jump and shake the body by zigzag movements. Thus, changing the distance between the head and tail, increase the moment of inertia and decrease the speed of the flight.

To better know this skillful flight, researchers at the Chuo University of Tokyo have taken as a model the paper tapes and have come to the conclusion that for the movement of shake to allow planning, the movement must be asymmetric.

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