
The future of Soviet researchers

1992/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

As the nuclear research program of the former Soviet Union has been suspended, about 2,000 researchers are looking for work. To address this problem, we intend to create an international program.

In this regard, at the end of January, Presidents Bush and Jeltsin signed an agreement in Washington.

Valeri Mikhailv, head of Russian nuclear power plants, says: "More than 15,000 specialists know the techniques of plutonium production and uranium enrichment and almost 3,000 nuclear bomb making techniques."

These specialists currently earn $150 in salary, but some advanced states are willing to pay $400,000.

However, these specialists will not be able to migrate in the next five years. On the other hand, the nuclear facilities of the EIE (Association of Independent States) must be dismantled according to the aforementioned agreement, with a significant risk of radioactive leaks in dismantling. Therefore, in addition to the best specialists remaining in the EIE, the collaboration of foreigners will be necessary.

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