
Extra pounds

1995/06/01 Agirre, Jabier - Medikua eta OEEko kidea Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The main challenge this summer for many is to lose weight and not recover any gram afterwards. With a little more will, a healthy and adequate diet and a change of habit when eating it is possible to lose those extra pounds. Let's see it. Doubts about nutrition and diets or feeding measures

Today most specialists complete diets or diets from different foods. Current feeding measures for flacing can eventually become customary as they offer a wide variety and variety of foods. Sophisticated and difficult diets, or measures of hard and hard food, are not fashionable. Nutrition experts look at the logic and way of life of people dealing with weight loss plans.

Foods that are not usually recommended or recommended are: meat in sauce, canned fish, canned vegetables, simple syrup fruits, nuts, pan, cookies (both sweet and savory), pastries, corn-flakes cereals taken at breakfast, bacon, fat, sugary drinks, chocolate, jams and sugar (white or black). And instead, skim milk, fresh or frozen meats, fresh or frozen fish, natural fish preserves, offer bread — part, rye and whole — fresh or frozen vegetables, legumes, oat flakes for breakfast and oils (to the right extent). Drinking water, tap or bottle and natural flavors for cooking (salt, pepper, mustard, orchard, aromatic herbs).

Changing your eating habits is not easy, there is always something you like (candy, fats in part, bread, alcohol) and you always have to add something you don't like (for example, exercise). Before starting any diet or regimen, below are some tips to keep in mind (and if possible):

  • Psychological preparation. If the person is not properly convinced and the goal (losing kilos) is not clear, will not comply with the rules of the game or stop eating immediately. The kilos will not, the time and perhaps the money will lose.
  • Choose the most appropriate diet (adapted to each case) and go periodically to the consultation to follow a control.
  • Have clear reasons for slimming. They can be aesthetic or due to health problems.
  • To lose kilos there is no better time of year than the rest. Normally the pounds accumulated throughout the winter are wanted to lose 15 days before the summer holidays, which is difficult. People who tend to get fat should take care of their weight throughout the year. However, to maintain an adequate weight it is necessary to know well the body itself and the circumstances of meals.
  • It is better to lose two kilos a month, for example, than to make large weight losses at first. Walking slowly is healthier and safer on these issues. Speeding leads to situations of absence harmful to the body: lack of vitamins and trace elements, for example.

After seeing some general tips or considerations, below I would like to beat some “absolute” truths, half-truths, false and topical concepts that are heard about nutrition and diets or eating measures (see table). Is it difficult to maintain the ideal weight? Is wine fattening? Does saccharin have calories? Fighting these topics and truth or lies is one of the best ways to learn how to control kilos.

Slimming is easy. The hard thing is to keep it

Maintaining weight is possible through different options. The exercise can be increased by comparing it with the exercise before losing weight (four hours a week, for example, would be enough not to gain weight again, while taking care slightly of the diet). A second option would be to alternate heavy meals with lighter ones. And these foods, despite their lightness, should be rich in fibrates (because hunger is removed) and rich in protein because the muscles are preserved.

Eating out is bad to make a diet

Not required. In the menus of the restaurants you can choose salads, soups, meats, ... You have to discard alcohol and bread. And what you eat at noon, preferably in the afternoon.

Low protein consumption

Not much less. I think any doctor will oppose this claim. Currently, in all slimming regimes appear almost protein and relatively free (meat, fish, dairy, egg white,...).

Make a strong meal a day

No. The best distribution of meals, as is believed today, is as follows: strong breakfast, light food and a relatively strong and early dinner, especially in people doing sedentary work. Making a single strong meal a day involves spending the whole day eating “snacks” or drinking alcohol to satiate and calm hunger.

Half harmless forest

Eye. Wine is the first thing to remove when you want to lose weight. The calories provided by 100 milliliters of wine in the tables of Dr. Fricker's book are: white wines (11º), 70 calories; red wines (11º) 63 calories; cavas, 73 calories; sweet wines, 164 calories. However, it is better to drink wine than whisky or cognac, which provide 252 and 285 calories per 100 milliliters, respectively.

Saccharin has no calories

It is true. This raw material, which is very easily removed in urine, contains 0 calories, being the best sweetener for a diet, since it has no side effects. Refined sugar, on the other hand, has many calories: that bag that you give us in bars with coffee, 12 grams of sugar, has the same calories as three small cakes. And using honey as a condiment is a barbarity.

Smoking helps control weight

Smoking does not lose weight by itself, but calms. Almost anyone who leaves the tobacco immediately fattens. Some nerve centers are free of nicotine and increase appetite. Instead of smoking, these people will eat gum and/or candy nonstop, which is a fattening.

Sports, remedy against kilos

There are two ways to lose weight: eat less, move equally (it is diet) or move more without changing diet (i.e., exercise). In both cases, to ensure their energy needs, the body uses its fat and decreases weight: the person slimming.

Going to the doctor ensures weight loss

Not required. The doctor does not diets. A person without tendency and willingness to lose weight, instead of losing pounds, will lose time and money.

Body fat is the same in men and women

No, it's a sex difference. In a man of normal weight body fat represents 12% of the weight and in a woman 25%. The accumulation of fat in the body is also different, being the border between the sexes laxative. Thus, adipose tissue accumulates in the woman in the lower part of the body, producing aesthetic problems (greater volume, cellulite) and accumulates higher in the man (according to the expert Fricker, this area is more dangerous, since adipose tissue is in depth altering the liver metabolism).

Five kilos are lost in a week

It can occur with a quick diet, but the results are useless. In these cases water is lost and not fat. A healthy diet should avoid 10% of the person's total weight along with daily exercise. Prey only has bounce effects or effects: weight is lost quickly but recovers faster.

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