Sener and a foreign company will build the incinerating plant of Bizkaia
1999/05/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Basque company Sener and the Franco-German group CNIM-Martin will organize the construction of the Bizkaia waste incineration plant. In the first place, the selection of the companies that will participate in the construction will be proceeded, and the promoter Zabalgarbi has manifested to the organizers his desire that 80% of these companies be Basque.
The work will begin next June, but it is considered that companies can delay the start of the selection. One of the participating companies is Babcock Wilcox, holder of 5% of the titles of Zabalgarbi, which has recently agreed to build the incinerating plant of the city of Xangai.
Zabalgarbi wants the incinerator to be prepared for the year 2001 and for every ton of burnt garbage it will charge about 6.100 pesetas. A Biscay family produces about half a ton of garbage a year.

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