
Contact lenses with medicines

2003/06/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Chemical engineers at the University of Florida have designed lenses that facilitate the treatment of eye diseases. The drug travels to the internal nanoparticles of these special lenses, allowing to slowly release the medication and get the necessary amount.

In the treatment of eye diseases, it is most common to throw drops of drugs. But it does not seem very effective. In fact, tears only make 5% of the drug reach the place it suits. The drug also has dangerous side effects. The drug goes down to the nostrils and passes into the blood causing heart problems and other serious consequences.

On the other hand, to combat the bacteria that can accumulate in the eye, it seems that antibiotics can also be introduced in nanoparticles.

In the long term, contact lenses with medications expect to replace the drops, but they are still nothing more than a design, since no clinical tests have been conducted.

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