
The Scramjet engine on examination

2002/07/30 Roa Zubia, Guillermo - Elhuyar Zientzia

The new rocket and supersonic aircraft engine is being tested in the Australian desert.

Supersonic planes travel to London and New York in four hours. However, through the scramjet engine, engineers announce that the planes will pass from London to Sydney in two hours. The goal is to prepare this engine to achieve Match 7 speed.

The engine is not finished. In fact, during the tests the plane has been launched from a rocket, the scramjet engine is launched from the speed Match 5. The tests have ended with a crash on the ground after an eight-minute flight. But scientists believe that the engine turns on and works properly. To find out if so, they will have to collect and analyze the fallen 'waste' in the desert.

The Scramjet engine has no moving part.It absorbs the oxygen it needs in flight directly from the atmosphere, compresses it and mixes it with hydrogen. It is estimated that the speed achieved by this technology is 8,000 kilometers per hour. According to engineers at the University of Queensland, in the last test all that did well.

It is an innovative and more efficient technology than that used in conventional rockets. In any case, it is the first scramjet flight.

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