
To be in full form

1996/03/01 Agirre, Jabier - Medikua eta OEEko kidea Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Doctors are usually very “skilled” in advising the patient who comes to the consultation, claiming the behaviors necessary to get this point so completely. It is easy to throw the sermon, that is, to recommend good customs and habits to treat and prohibit bad behaviors and customs.

But when it comes time to put aside empty words and theories to practice, you would eat them begin to escape the orders we normally give and ask for small sacrifices (or less small). However, there is a decalogue of healthy habits that we all accept, if we want ten orders or mandates to be in a vital moment.

1. Sleep well

The eight-hour sleep each night is what our body needs to recover properly from the tiredness of the previous day. According to experts, before midnight sleep takes advantage more and it is better to sleep with the window open and without too much clothes. The most suitable posture to relax is to sleep lying on the right side, as this does not compress the heart and facilitates circulation. If the headboard is facing north, rest will be even better.

2. Healthy eating

And only when we are really hungry, correctly chewing every bite. On the other hand, the daily diet should be varied and balanced in sufficient quantity to keep the body weight at an appropriate level, but without going through there. Fresh foods have priority: fruits, vegetables, vegetables,...

3. Exercise

One of the basic principles for the maintenance of the form is the unblocking of muscular tensions and vertebral rigidities. However, physical exercise should be done properly, without overefforts and regularly and progressively.

4º Maintain weight

The best situation, we would say the ideal, is to maintain a balance in the weight accounts, without rebounds, but never from excess weight. Obesity is an overload for all organs in the body and is more at risk for certain diseases.

5. Drinking water

62% of body volume consists of water. This amount is kept in balance due to the continuous replenishment and elimination of water. Water acts as a solvent in digestion operations and contributes to the elimination of toxins and stagnant or retained waste. It is also recommended to drink two liters a day to favor this detoxification process (especially in older people or when the kidneys do not work properly).

6th Learn to relax

Stress is one of the main obstacles that the current lifestyle poses to achieve physical and mental harmony. A stress point can be positive to a certain extent, but once a threshold or limit is exceeded (and here each person has a different level of resistance), the response will cause negative emotions and sudden changes that will affect both the body and intelligence or the psychic aspect. Answer? Take the quietest things and learn to relax.

7. Breathing well

There is a "decalogue of healthy habits" that we all accept: sleep well, eat healthy, exercise, keep weight, drink water, learn to relax, breathe well, protect yourself from the sun, be happy, ...

Like eating, sleeping, or washing your teeth, breathing exercises are a part of your daily routine. Ideally, work twice a day breathing, ten minutes when you get out of bed and another ten minutes when you go to bed, performing deep, controlled breaths. The benefits of respiratory therapy have long been well demonstrated (as demonstrated by Eastern medicine, yoga, etc.) and today, according to some experts, abdominal breathing (ie breathing with the belly) increases body resistance, improving many of the functional disorders that lead to the disease.

8th. Solar protection

The energy of the Sun is essential to live. The rays of the sun give us a good mood, thanks to which our body synthesizes vitamin D and calcium. But, like almost everything, the sun should be taken in moderation and always with the right protection to prevent the skin from aging prematurely. Scientifically it is shown that the sun is the first enemy of the skin and also its influence accumulates. The most dangerous ages are childhood and adolescence. Therefore, protecting from light or ultraviolet rays is essential.

9. Be happy

It is not a miracle remedy, but it helps a lot to feel good and “young”. The emotional state somehow controls our body and mind. Living in this emotional condition (love, pleasure, happiness, etc.) will increase the secretion of endorphins or happiness hormones. Sex is another symptom of good health and physical well-being. In yin and yang oriental theories sex is considered an essential tool to further increase human longevity.

And where is the tenth order? Decals often have ten commandments from that Old Testament. After nine, the tenth is free, according to the common sense of the reader, according to his personal situation, conditions, etc. value it to decide.

However, changing habit or habit is not easy. As is often said, “everything I like has been sinned or fattened.” However, it is advisable to become aware of what we can do to improve our health, although without fatigue. And let all this have willpower. It is easier to take other superficial ways (cosmetics, gym, masseur, etc. ). ), although those mentioned in the decalogue are much cheaper and effective in the long term than addressing the above-mentioned precepts.

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