Conversing with the winners
2003/02/01 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
1st prize: Kalamua: the secret
of the mariaAuthors:
Joseba Gotzon Pineda, Aitziber Mendiguren and Jose Angel Ruiz
Cannabis is an attractive issue for many. How did you choose this topic for the article?
We conduct pharmacological research on cannabis and other drugs and consider the issue fashionable. Therefore, we decided that from this point of view they deserved to be treated.
What did you want to explain in the article?
Above all, the medical aspect of cannabis, that is, the pharmacological characteristics and the underlying pharmacological mechanisms, which has been scientifically treated.
Does hemp have medicinal properties?

Yes, it has them, and although they are about to investigate a lot, others are very clear. For example, it is used as an antiemetic in some areas to prevent vomiting caused by chemotherapy. However, for this purpose, hemp is not used, but a chemical compound derived from it. Other scientists are also working on other properties that may be useful for medicine, such as degenerative diseases or Parkinson's disease.
What about side effects?
It cannot be denied that you have side effects. The most serious and obvious is dependence and other negative consequences have been detected. Hence it is necessary to analyze all aspects.
Where do current research go from?
Numerous investigations have been carried out with mice, rats and other animals, but it is necessary to do so with man. Behind this lies the social image of hemp. And he considers it a drug, so he does not see it very well and that also influences research.
So do you think it would be worth treating it like any other chemical rather than as a drug?
Of course, we are for it. In addition, with other drugs it is done like this: morphine is a drug, but in some cases it is very beneficial and used in medicine. So why not marijuana or other similar drugs? It is about knowing well the effects and pharmacological mechanisms to ensure safe and effective use. If we certify, there should be no other inconvenience.
2nd prize: Hayedos de
Nafarroa Garaia: a treasure that cannot escape the clutches of the <unk> Author:
Related information

Why have you chosen this topic to elaborate the article?
I find it interesting because it is a problem in Euskal Herria. In addition, I did the thesis about it, but in Spanish and wanted to publish it in Basque.
What is your opinion about the scientific dissemination that is being carried out here and today?
I think people are interested in science, but maybe they don't know too much about those issues. That is why I consider it necessary to bring science closer to the street, and in order to achieve this we should work more.
3rd prize: Cleopatra,
pearls and luxury Authors:
Itxaso Apraiz and Ohiane Lakar

Why have you chosen this topic to make the article?
Lately we were working on this topic and as we liked it, we decided to move forward. So, we completed the work a little and presented it.
What do you think about the scientific dissemination that takes place here and today?
In Euskal Herria there are some scientific disseminators, but they are not too many. However, it seems to us that they will be more and more and we hope to encourage more people like us. In fact, with small works you can go touring little by little.
Special Prize:Hidden
Children of NatureAuthor:
Related information

Why have you chosen this topic to elaborate the article?
Especially because I know him closely and I think that, for people, the mystery of black holes interests many. Many times we talk about black holes, but maybe without knowing too much what we talk about.
What is your opinion about the scientific dissemination that is being carried out here and today?
I have pretty good opinion. I think many works are published, interesting books are published... There is not so much in Basque, but I think that over time they will be more, so I think the situation is pretty good.

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