
Possibility of carrying out astronomical observations through the network

2000/06/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The University of Hawaii and the Institute of Universities for Astronomical Research AURA have developed through the network a new Internet connection that connects with the telescopes of the Mauna Kea volcano. This connection will be made within the Internet2 network, being 1,000 times faster than simple modem. In order for astronomers around the world to have access to the images obtained by the telescopes, they have developed a connection capable of transporting 45 million bits per second to manage the information it offers. With it, new discoveries can be expanded to other observatories and through the videoconference, collaboration between observatories will be possible to carry out international astronomical observations.

The Internet2 network is mainly used by US research and education institutions. And thanks to new technologies and applications, the Internet is much faster than the conventional Internet.

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