
Robot Duplicator Robot Duplicator

2005/05/16 Roa Zubia, Guillermo - Elhuyar Zientzia

At the University of Cornell, United States, a simple machine has been manufactured which is a copy of itself. The machine is formed by several cubes of ten centimeters of diameter, capable of doubling if placed at the disposal of the machine more cubes of this type.

For this purpose, a microchip calculates the steps to be followed by the machine depending on the structure that surrounds it. And to follow these steps, the machine moves, takes the cubes at your fingertips and joins them. Of course, cubes are mobile structures, since they are formed by two articulated parts and have the ability to take other cubes by electromagnetos.

For the moment, it is nothing more than a simple machine, but it may at some point be possible to build real robot duplicators from simple ideas like these.

Video: Video: Cornell University