Economic and simple qubit structure
2007/06/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

A group of researchers from the Mixed Material Physics Center of the UPV has proposed new ringed structures to define the information unit (qubit) of quantum computers, a proposal published in the journal Physical Review Letters.
Bits of current computers only support two states (0 or 1).
Quantum computers have a qubit information size. Qubits use a more complex logic and support multiple situations. This allows to process the information much more efficiently.
There are numerous proposals around the qubit structure: some propose quantum points located in matrices, others located in magnetic molecules, others located in cold atoms, etc.
The UPV researchers propose a new system based on the interaction of laser light on an annular metallic structure. It is a simple and economical system, since it allows to control the quantum state of the system in a precise way with light and, in addition, integrate the new method into the current electronic structures.

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