Quark-Gluon plasma remains
2000/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
The CERN or European laboratory of particle physics has published the results of the shock experiments carried out in the last five years with heavy ions. The results obtained with these experiments indicate that it is possible to have quark-gluon plasma, although for the moment the plasma has not been directly observed.
Physicists have gained more energy than ever in the collision of heavy ions. The experimental values of temperature and density have been very close to the theoretical values necessary for the formation of the quark-gloui plasma, and the results obtained have shown signs of plasma, although it has not been detected directly. This requires more energy shocks.
According to CERN experts, the RHIC accelerator (relativistic accelerator for heavy ion shock) that the US Department of Energy is building in Brokhaven can obtain critical shock energy. This accelerator, which will come into operation this year, must wait until that time to be able to directly detect the plasma quark-gluon.

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