Thinking and doing with the prosthesis
2007/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Major advances in prosthetics are taking place at the Chicago Rehabilitation Institute. In the latter, a woman who lost her arm is able to think that the prosthesis carries electrodes capable of receiving the nerve impulses that the brain sends. The nerve impulses sent by the brain before reached the hand and, once lost, reached the shoulder where they remained. Surgeons moved these shoulder nerves to a certain area of the chest. The prosthesis was placed when the nerves adapted to the new tissue. The prosthesis captures, processes and transforms impulses from the brain. Since then, the woman is able to move the prosthesis as she once moved her hand.
In turn, the woman has recovered the touch of the hand, but instead of in the hand, in the chest. That is, if you touch the area that your nerves have placed, you feel touching your hand. Scientists seek to bring touch to the fingers of the prosthesis, which would allow the prosthetic wearer to replace the lost arm with their tactuses.

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