
Planets outside the Solar System

2000/01/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

On November 7, astronomers first saw a planet outside the Solar System. Geoffrey Marcy, a prestigious professor of astronomy at Berkeley University, announced the existence of 19 such planets by mathematical calculations. But until then no one could see those planets.

As previously calculated, the new planet passed on November 7 before the star HD 209458, located at 153 million light years from Earth, at 160 billion km, and the star lost 1.7% of its luminous intensity. The same phenomenon was repeated on November 11. This confirms what Marcy announced, that the new planet is an orbit of 3,523 days around its star. Thanks to the observation, Marcy discovered that the planet is a gas giant like Jupiter, 60% larger but 63% lighter. It is 7.5 million km from its star and has a
temperature of 2.000 ºC.

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