
Protecting against the screen

1996/06/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

There has been frequent talk of the need for radiation protection from television screens and computers. However, no adequate solution has been found, among other reasons because so far the human health condition of these radiations has not been fully confirmed. Recently, for its part, the European Association of Electrobiomagnetism has held a summit in which all experts have spoken hard about the risk of these emissions. There is therefore a reason to suspect.

Placed on the TV or computer, the Tecno AO antenna seems to be able to modulate the radiation field emitted by the screens. It is estimated that it will reduce the impact of radiation on human health. However, at the moment everything is “said”.

Researchers at the University Hospital of Poitiers said that after more than two hours in a row before a screen there are problems of vision and concentration. That sounds like a reader, maybe because it has happened to you too many times. According to these studies, all this is due to the radiation emitted by the screens, which from a certain degree can prevent the proper functioning of certain hormones, as has been proven with laboratory tests performed with rats.

The aforementioned summit presented the protection mechanism that can be the solution to this problem. The Tecno AO antenna, manufactured by Tecnosphére, modulates the radiation area emitted by the television or computer screen, reducing the impact of waves on human health. Among those attending the Summit there was no absolute recognition of the effectiveness of the antenna, but there was no doubt about the value of this line of research. Attention to the news that will be published in the coming months.