
Molecular oxygen in stars

1993/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

In a cloud between the stars of the constellation of Scorpio the molecular oxygen that had never been detected until now has been discovered. They used a 2.5-m diameter radio telescope at the top of the Alps. The French and American research team has discovered the presence of oxygen through spectral ray analysis.

Although no oxygen has been detected in interstellar mists so far, it was expected to exist according to some models. To form the stars by binding and compacting the mists must cool down, so that carbon monoxide in space is not enough. Therefore, if until now it was known that there was oxygen in space, it was not known how it would appear.

After this observation, although it must be checked, it can be said that oxygen appears in a molecular way.

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