
Location of memory in the brain

2004/06/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The number of images that can be stored at once on the head is limited by a small area of the brain. This discovery has been made by researchers who analyze short-term memory.
Brain. src

People are able to save in the head several images seen in a second and compare them with the views in a second. The electrical activity of the brain has been measured to achieve this through electrodes and magnetic resonances. In this way, they have seen where this work is concentrated in a small area with a bottleneck appearance. In addition, this system allows to measure the memory capacity of each person.

In fact, an average of three or four images are preserved in memory; although some people only remember two images, others can save five or six. Researchers believe that this short-term memory capacity may be related to intelligence.

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