
Memory. Think well what you want to keep in your mind

2004/06/06 Roa Zubia, Guillermo - Elhuyar Zientzia

The brain has to do very complex things. In addition, you have to keep many memories in place. And also, you have to decide what you deserve to keep and what not. It's not a simple job.
You cannot forget that trip you made to Prague.

Take a look at the time it is, maybe you are late to visit your lover and do not miss this type of options. How long will you remember what time is now? Well. That is not so important. It is much more important to remember when your partner expects to return home. Couples always, I mean. Of course, it will depend on the length of the clandestine visit, right?

Of course, you will have to take into account what you found along the way and where. Your alibi depends on this data. It cannot be in two places at once, nor pass in a short time from those who are far from each other. That is why you should be attentive and informed of people who can confirm some data or other. This information will be essential for the proper protection of fraud. Your partner is not cob, the usual couple, I mean, and if things are not consistent, you will notice.

The brain will have to keep the meat and find that cushion that accompanied it, but the memory will only last a few days. Next week you don't care if today there was meat and pad or not, because you will have enough work organizing the next whitish. Therefore, your brain will discard the details of this week to accommodate those of next week.

You have come to your lover's house and told yourself that you don't have much time. Of course, he complains. "Will we always have to be like that?" has asked you. That has reminded you of the memories of the banks that you have wanted to erase for many years, but unfortunately they have also been very conserved by your brain. Keep it and in the worst moments it has shown you. They are disadvantages of memory, but well, you believe or not, the advantages of remembering are greater than the problems. There is no doubt.

Laboratory flies, appropriate victims of experiments.

The brain is a wonderful machine that keeps everything in the necessary time. In addition to the debate, the only fascinating night you spent with your lover is engraved inside your head; and the trip to Prague you made with your partner, with your partner always, I mean.

But let us concentrate. Lovers and you have begun to enjoy. And everything went well, well, almost everything. For a moment, you have remembered what good and evil are. Since childhood 'they left you carved this feeling in the head'. You have it deeper than most other things by putting it into your brain.

And it is something very curious: for some neurologists it is much more interesting how you keep all these memories than the morbid relationship with your lover. What do these white gowns see in your brain?

Quiet, they don't see much. They know there are many things, but they don't see them. They cannot. Better for you, right?

The brain of the fly.

Some neurologists investigate flies, not people as interesting as you. Flies? Yes, flies. And there is a solid reason to do it: the brain of the fly is much simpler than yours, that of a dog, that of a mouse and that of a fish.

However, flies have a very complex brain, as any brain is complex. Among other things, keep everything you need to move, breathe and do a thousand basic things. For neurologists it is a great mystery how it does, even if you only understand…

However, the fly does much more with the brain, it has the ability to learn things. What can a fly learn? It's not a joke: for example, learn to differentiate smells. And that's what many neurologists use to investigate how the fly's brain works.

The experiments they perform are cruel, it is true. One of them is that when they give the fly a certain smell, they give it a small electric shock. Again and again. Thus, as with Pavloven's dogs, the fly relates this smell to discharge. Learn.

The smell of your lover's colony, right?

Recently neurologists have made a breakthrough through through this experiment. They have developed a system to observe the connections between neurons and have observed the brain structure of the fly before and after the experiment. The study of smell makes the fly brain change, as they have seen changes in the connections between neurons. For the first time. For the first time they have detected the footprint of a memory, not bad.

Less bad that it was a fly and not one like you, right?

This may not justify damage to flies in the experiment. Maybe yes. Perhaps it was enough to investigate you and the lover, since it relates its smell to flavors and pleasures. And you may discover with this experiment that the couple also produces great pleasures every time you have internalized their smell. Couples always, I mean.

Neurologists, flies, lover… it is better that you return home as soon as possible.

Published in 7K.

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