
Sensitive organ... crocodile

2002/05/20 Elhuyar Zientzia

The crocodile is waiting. In a marshy environment the darkness is total. Head in water, but not fully immersed. Mouth on the surface of the water, with air water at this limit. He seems to want to see it with his eyes, however... it's dark and you can't see anything. However, the crocodile is able to detect its prey. And the crocodile not only "sees" with the eyes, but has totally sensitive spots around the mouth, even inside the mouth, which are the organs that allow it to detect any movement.

Biologist Daphne Soares, who works at the University of Maryland, has tested the behavior of crocodiles and confirmed the relationship between these unique organs and special sensitivity. If the drops of water are slowly thrown into the water in which the crocodile is, the animal turns its head and even directs the whole body to the source of the waves. However, when the crocodile has its head completely immersed in the water or out of the water, there is no change in behavior. For this, the animal must have the mouth between air and water. All crocodiles have these organs, which although previously known, did not know exactly what their function was.

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