
Tips for a quiet holiday

1998/06/01 Agirre, Jabier - Medikua eta OEEko kidea Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Any foolishness can spoil the days we most expect throughout the year: the summer holidays. To avoid it, in the following lines we will give you some tips and recommendations to consider. Often, with so much dedication and enthusiasm we approach the summer holidays, so we can distract ourselves and not take the necessary measures. But this holiday error can cause great damage, which could be the best season of the year, to become a bad memory. Look!


  • Do not stop eating everything. Therefore, eat foods from all groups (meat, fish, milk, eggs, legumes, cereals, fruits, vegetables and vegetables). Ice cream, sweets and soft drinks will not replace basic food, should be at most its complement.
  • Store food properly. Do not bring products that can be lost during the trip and check the expiration date of everything that has been purchased before starting the trip, even after arriving at the destination point. Normally if you are demanding with your purchases and demand quality, on holiday you have to do the same.
  • It is important to have a special balance with products containing cream, bechamel and mayonnaise, as they are at higher risk of infection. It is preferable to replace it with other products.
  • If you are on holiday in camping mode, you should know all the dry products (pasta, flour, sugar, or even potatoes, onions, etc.) should be stored hermetically closed to protect against insects. On the other hand, bread and vegetables last longer and remain better wrapped in foil.
  • Finally, and to end this feeding point, there are some mistakes we usually make with relative regularity during the holidays:
  1. Some have a habit of eating more on vacation and gaining pounds. Therefore, eat only what is necessary. Also, think that with the heat the digestions are slower and heavier.
  2. Others use it to make the regime. How good this time is. Beware of low and tension lipotimias! If you are with children, it is advisable to have a little measure; if we give in to all whims, then we will return to normal we will have comoverías.
  3. Drinking is also a point to take care of. Drinking too little can be a way of dehydration, especially in young children. Avoid frozen drinks and be careful with sugary soft drinks and alcohol.

Beaches and pools

The situation of the beach varies greatly depending on the place chosen to spend the summer, but you should always take some precautions:

  • Use public showers.
  • If the sand is dirty, use a towel to be in the sand and another to dry.
  • Do not pour papers, forests or food leftovers into the sand and use litter bins.
  • Do not enter the sea only at a distance, especially when you do bad weather.
  • Do not bathe near wastewater spill areas to the sea.
  • Do not stay too long in the sun and do not forget to put the bronzer half an hour before. From 13:00 to 4:00 hours are the worst hours to sunbathe from a sanitary point of view.
  • If you are in the pool, use the shower before the bath and respect signs and signs.
  • When blowing, beware! an important advice on how to get into the water: serious injuries often occur in the spinal cord, in young people who have thrown over the pool and have been thrown against the bottom or even against another person, who have made tupust. This type of claim can involve a person's total disability.

Risk sports or adventure

Many people take advantage of vacation days to do some exercise doing the sport they like most. It can also be a good way to know the landscapes surrounding certain sports (climbing, cycling, rafting, etc. ). ).

To perform the climbing it is necessary to bring a suitable equipment and equipment, in addition to being accompanied by someone who knows the environment.

The bike seems harmless, but cycling also has its dangers. In the case of mountain bikes, the helmet should be well tied, gloves and clothes that do not tighten and have the whole bike (pedals, chair height and handlebar, above all) ready. Special care must be taken in the descents, as falls can occur and even fracture some bone. For the newcomers by bicycle, before starting a demanding tour of the mountain, it is advisable to warm up for a few kilometers in the flat area.

Vacation “medical” problems

  • The change of water, the excessive consumption of very cold drinks or ice cream, and the realization of a measure of food different from that of each day, often produces what is known as BAD TRAVELER, that is, diarrhea: the feces are liquid, often, and much abdominal pain, discomfort and even fever. It does not last more than four days, but there may be a risk of dehydration.
    It is recommended to take rice or carrot water and drinking water as desired. If there is no improvement after 48 hours, you may need to see your doctor.
  • If a snake bites you, the affected body part should be immobilized, clean the wound with water, disinfect it (if possible) and sell it well. It should then be seen by your doctor to give a tetanus vaccine. If the
    bite is snake must act the same way, but it is advisable to place an anti-poison serum in a hospital. The symptoms are: pain, significant inflammation of the bite area of vipers, vomiting, discomfort, anxiety, etc. Do not give alcoholic beverages to the patient or suck the poison with the mouth.
  • Therefore, the KIT must be ready for any incident or related event. Those who should be in the medicine cabinet are:
  1. Sterile gas, preferably in individual bags.
  2. A thermometer.
  3. Sprinkle.
  4. Vendas.
  5. Scissors and tweezers.
  6. Iodinated antiseptic.
  7. Most common medicines (to lower fever, some analgesic, anti-inflammatory ointment, anti-marrow pills, etc. ).
  8. Oxygenated water, alcohol and thyrites.

We hope we enjoy this year's holiday.

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