
Mysterious giant waves

2002/11/13 Elhuyar Zientzia

Every month a boat submerges in the high seas, and often there is no concrete reason to explain the event. However, on many occasions the sailors have mentioned that the giant waves that appear suddenly are responsible for shipwrecks.

The real existence of giant waves reaching 60 meters has long been discussed among experts. For many experts these waves are just legends, but others have taken them into account and it seems that there is more and more evidence in favor of the latter.

They say that giant waves are not like tsunamis. The giants appear suddenly and for no apparent reason in the center of the ocean. With satellite images, scientists try to find an explanation for the appearance of giant waves. According to the latest theories, waves and strong winds may collide against water currents in the opposite direction.

However, the giant waves will remain one of those mysteries of nature that still have no explanation.

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