An opportunity for basic science
2000/04/28 Roa Zubia, Guillermo - Elhuyar Zientzia
The newly opened Donostia International Physics Center in San Sebastian presents interesting features. It is the first seed of a network of scientific development of Euskal Herria starting from smallness. On the other hand, it is known that countries with a solid scientific and technological base have ensured the social and economic well-being of the future. DIPC is increasing the shortcomings of basic research among us and, as history has shown, the most effective technological applications have come through basic science. It is the most outstanding example of this microelectronics that surrounds us.
It also comes to bridge. This implies, on the one hand, the possibility of working with foreign physicists, whether the researchers here come to the outside or come from outside. Among these researchers, in addition to high-level physicists, young scientists will receive an offer to come to the Physics Center. It will be a place for congresses, conferences and research.
It will also be an airport. He wants to offer Basque scientists abroad a clue to return to us. According to Pedro Etxenike, they will be offered five-year contracts to carry out their research work and, incidentally, find the way for their integration into the Basque scientific and technological system.

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