
Traditional diapers are no more ecological

2005/07/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

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It is something that worries many parents: which of the children's diapers is the least harmful to the environment? In view of the waste generated, these uses may seem more harmful. Well, in the United Kingdom it has been investigated and has come to the conclusion that the conventional, with fabrics that are cleaned at home, are no more ecological than the conventional to use and throw.

To carry out the research have been taken into account the customs of two thousand parents: how many diapers they need a day, at what temperature they clean the fabrics, how much they fill the washing machine, etc. It is said that the cleaning of the fabrics is done at an average temperature of 60ºC and that there is the key, since a cleaning at lower temperature would reduce energy consumption, thereby reducing the environmental impact.

Of course, manufacturers of disposable diapers have been satisfied with the result, as this way people will have less internal concern in their use.