Tells how far you can go without leaving the helmet
1986/04/01 Goñi, Jesus Mari | Etxeberria, J. Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Alicia, Alicia de Lewis-Carroll, was a very naughty girl. Everyone who has read his adventures has realized it. But the naughty is not aggressive, that is not; it is a naughty of those hidden intentions that not everyone sees behind all the phrases. In action, docile, but terrible in the world of language; so is our dear Alice.
As is known, on a rainy and boring afternoon, Alice passed across the mirror, animated by the curiosity of what is in a symmetrical world so close and distant. What he saw there he told his friend Lewis-Carroll. This completed a book describing these adventures and achieving great fame thanks to a book written this way. But Alice, like all the children, was very forgotten and many of the anecdotes that occurred on the other side of the mirror stayed in her head without going into Lewis-Carroll's book.
Alice staggered, Lewis-Carroll grew old and when she reached the age when the desire to rethink the child arose, she began to remember the melancholy with life across the mirror. He picked up Lewis' book and read it. He was surprised, "I'm not that, that's not the world I've seen. That, in any case, will be a world on the other side of Charles' mirror," he thought. So he decided to describe his adventures in his own way and did.
When he finished writing he tried to publish his work, but no one wanted to risk himself. Lewis-Carroll's book was sold a lot, too much to get into such scandals. Alice kept the manuscript and it has never been published. I recently got that writing with a acquaintance of a brother-in-law of my aunt, friend of my friend. It is very long and this time I will give you a single chapter. I think what to do with the rest.
Chapter IV: Tweedledum and Tweedledee
There they were, sitting under a tree, hugging each other. Immediately I found out who each one was, because their names were on the collar of the shirt with very large letters: In one he put "DUM", "DEE" in another. I approached very quickly what I was going to put behind the collar- TWEEDLE precisely.
As they were so quiet, I also forgot that they could be alive, and when I was going to look if on the back of the collar I put TWEEDLE or not, I was frightened by a voice that came out of the "DUM".
- Hello Alicia, old friend, how about?
- Well, well, the truth is that I find myself a little upset in this amazing world, I replied. Hey, how do you know my name?
He answered me with another question – And how do you know ours? It is more surprising that one invents the names of the two, that we invent his, is it not?
That reasoning seemed very strong to me and did not want to follow that path. There, in that forest, when I was going to ask myself what they were doing, I was ahead of the DEE.
- What lightning do you do here in this forest? That's what I want to know – and while still talking, because I was afraid they wouldn't give me the opportunity – what about you? I asked them. Our story is very sad, they answered together. We don't really want to talk about this topic," they said together. Please – I stole them. I have come from far away to know your story and I am not going to go until I hear it, –I put the face of sadness that children put when they want to get something and I also made some silent drawings. The face of the DUM changed nothing, but in the ED one could see the newborn irritation. The rash was removed and a tear of relief was shed in search of the lips. We have always been brothers and friends. I always say it because we were born together. We have always been passionate about language, because despite being uglier than others, we speak better. We are the first child of our parents and, as we have seen, after having seen us, they were eager to have more. Well, but that's not history. No, that's not what the DUM followed. The language is to see if you want or not, but shake the tongue, yes, you like, rowing. And you what, what you like. Please feel us and follow the story – I ask you, as it looked perfectly that all the brothers you want are equal on both sides of the mirror. I have told you the story of our tragedy without deviating anything. In our town there are very big parties in a sad time that we call "Gautzarrak". At these holidays, it is about sending sympathetic postcards to your friends. In recent years the initial heat of this custom has been softening and becoming something of commitment. Our intention was to revive custom and to do this we created a special postcard. "As Dee kept talking, DUM took a stick and drew two rectangles on the ground. I understood that I wanted to express both sides of the postcard.
- On one side of the postcard, the day continued, it was stated: "What puts the other side is a lie." He silenced and became thoughtful.
It seems that remembering these things hurt him a lot. But after having awakened my curiosity, I am not able to control myself and when I realize that the words were out of my mouth, in the air.
- And what did he put on the other side? I heard him. Tell him –dum dee-ri.No, no, tell him –dee a dum. Please! – I. You, please! – DUM to DEE. Please – I started crying. Look, DUM, see how well you are.
- I baked and you holy oil. Baboa!.
Seeing the low incidence of that weak cry, I decided to change tactics.
- No matter what you say both at once, but please and please tell us what you put on the other side of the postcard.
They looked at me, looked at each other, after a silence, and shortly after the two unanimously and a word:
- On the other side of the postcard he put "WHAT PUTS ON THE OTHER SIDE IS A LIE".
Here Alice's notes end in this chapter, but I don't think it's hard to imagine how the story of these two brothers ends. We, for our part, are willing to publish those finals.

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