How to know the 10 most common diseases
1988/08/01 Agirre, Jabier - Medikua eta OEEko kidea Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
But don't worry: usually the symptoms are unimportant diseases... or diseases that are only in our mind. Therefore, it is convenient to know these serious situations and learn to differentiate them from other more agile diseases like ours.
To illustrate this simple analysis, ten diseases have been selected, which are probably among the best known and pioneers. Another note must be given: when this self-analysis does not resolve doubts, in its negative sense, it is worth going to the specialist. As always, you will have the last word.
Ulcer of stomach and duodenum
• How to know her
It appears with pains of heart and stomach. The pain is placed under the breastbone. Discomfort, meals, milk, or anti-acid medications are relieved by taking.
Irregular living habits, excess work, unbalanced food, stress, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption are factors that facilitate the appearance of the ulcer.
• No mezcles...
- With gastritis. It is simply the irritability of the internal wall of the stomach, a pain that disappears after a season. The pain is also wider and less localized than in the case of ulcer.
- Dyspepsia or digestion with fatigue. It appears a few hours after eating and after throwing gases or winds the discomfort disappear.
Hepatitis Hepatitis
• How to know her
It can be of 3 types: A, B, and non-A-no–B. The first two are the most frequent and hepatitis B is more severe than A. The symptomatology of both is similar: discomfort, minority (yellow skin color), fatigue, lack of appetite, nausea, etc.
Hepatitis A is transmitted through food or stool and type B by injection, vaccines, wounds, etc. Remember if you have had any of them.
The definitive diagnosis is made by laboratory analysis.
• No mezcles...
- Other virus infections (flu, e.g. ).
- Liver cirrhosis. The latter appears above all in those who consume a lot and a lot of alcohol time.
However, the differentiating diagnosis is based on the analyses.
• How to know her
Back pain at the height of the kidneys. But it can extend to the whole area of the bodice, even to the legs.
Lack of sensitivity with pain in one leg (or both), abundance of the affected region.
It may also be due to a floppy disk that appears after a violent movement.
• No mezcles...
- With rheumatic lesions of the back: pain can be seen and felt in other joints (beulaunes, neck), clicking noises, inflammations, etc.
- With escolosis and kyphosis. These are the deviations from the column. They are perfectly separable by X-ray.
Morcillas stables
• How to know her
They are anal venous dilations relatively easy to bleed. They appear in nervous people, with medicinal, obese and defective jobs. Also in pregnant women.
The main symptom is the blood of the stool. Also anal itching.
• No mezcles...
- With colon cancer. In this case hemorrhages are less abundant and there are other symptoms (difficulty being released, feeling of having a lump in the colon, colitis, etc. ). ).
- With stomach ulcer. The blood is not red, but black, since it has been longer in the digestive system and has therefore changed.
• How to know her
The arteries that carry blood to the heart, called coronary arteries, are clogged: the heart is without food and dies in a greater or lesser area.
The pain is very intense on the side of the heart. It can open to the left arm and back or belly. The pain does not disappear, neither changing posture nor when there is wind.
Stress, smoking, age, obesity, nutritional measures rich in fat and lack of exercise are factors that facilitate the appearance of the infarction.
• No mezcles...
- With ulcer or gastritis. In these diseases, the increase in gases or winds can cause discomfort in parts of the body, such as infarction. But when the winds are thrown, the pain disappears.
- With angina. The pain is lighter. On the other hand, while angina is a reversible process, infarction is an irreversible process.
Dermatitis dermatitis
• How to know her
They can be of contact (after contact with irritants, detergents, solvents, plastics, cosmetics, etc.) or seborrheic (its origin is not yet known; it appears in the head, English and axils, especially in stress periods).
It is treated with special ointments or ointments.
• No mezcles...
- With burns. In this case the reason is evident and in the affected place appear the puzzles and intense pain.
- With hair fall. Excess fat, genetic legacies, nervousness, etc. Created situation.
Headaches of headaches
• How to know her
Mainly due to contraction of the neck muscles or functional alterations of the blood vessels of the head. Also due to lesions of nearby parts (fluemons, cavities, sinusitis, nodes...).
They accompany him legacies, nervous tensions, stress... The best way to treat muscle contractions is to relax (massages, hot showers...).
• No mezcles...
- With flu and waterfalls. In them, in addition to headache, respiratory symptoms, sore throat, etc. also appear.
- Hematoma (blood collection) with tumors or infections. In these diseases, other main symptoms clarify the diagnosis.
• How to know her
It is inflammation and infection of the appendix (part of the small intestine). Acute pain in the right part of the belly, muscle contraction, nausea, vomiting and increased body temperature.
To solve the problem is usually surgery and usually the most appropriate way.
• No mezcles...
- With peritonitis. It appears as a worsening of the above: the infection captures the entire peritoneum, increases the pain by pressing with your finger, but even more when you stop pressing.
- With menstrual pain. Of course, they occur during menstruation.
Cystitis cystitis
• How to know her
It is a urinary globe or inflammation of the bladder.
In women it is usually more frequent than in men, since the tube that binds the bladder to the outside (called urethra) is shorter in women.
Urinary alterations (prostate adenomas, urinary retenes, etc.) Cystitis is much easier.
• No mezcles...
- With urinary infections (urethritis, prostatitis, etc. ). ): Febrile state, intense pain, pus in urine, etc.
- With vaginal infections. A gynecologist separates them immediately and is the one that should prescribe proper treatment in each case.
Benign breast cysts and tumors
• How to know her
We will highlight fibroadenomas and cysts. They are lumps of breasts that have no increase in size or redness. However, once detected, it is convenient to go immediately to a specialist to make a reliable diagnosis and prescribe the most appropriate treatment.
• No mezcles...
- Breast cancer and malignant tumors. In these cases the skin is vibrated (like the ORANGE SKIN) and the nipple penetrates inside. On the other hand, with time the bulging increases and through the nipple a blood flow appears. The only solution is instant surgery.

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