
Natural parks: good for people but not for wildlife

2008/10/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Natural parks: good for people but not for wildlife
01/10/2008 | Elhuyar
(Photo: Archive)

Biologists at the University of California have shown that protecting certain areas and turning them into natural parks is beneficial for people, but this has negative consequences for wildlife.

In fact, analyzing the population evolution of 306 natural parks in Africa and South America, there is an important growth of the population around them, attracted mainly by the infrastructure that is generated. However, with the increase in population, the collection of firewood, mining, hunting and fires increase alarming, affecting the species that theoretically want to be protected.

California biologists have proposed that a solution to prevent it is to help countries farther away from protected areas. In this way, people would have a solution and go to those peoples. According to biologists, "park boundaries have become battlegrounds for resource management."

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