
Extreme cosmetics

2005/07/11 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

It is evident that there are men and women who, by their appearance, are willing to suffer much pain. Look, if not, at those who have the body tattooed and full of nails and hoops, or those who do cosmetic surgery. For those who do not want to go to the operating room, cosmetics has created effective treatments. Of course, you have to keep in mind that sometimes beauty and risk go hand in hand. That is, these treatments are somewhat harder than Nivea cream.
Wrinkles are not simple indicators of age, but also reinforce expressiveness.

Among the possibilities offered by cosmetics, are fashionable effective treatments that promise spectacular results, of which one is the botox.

Botox is a botulinum toxin produced by a bacterium called Clostridium botulinum. This bacteria is found in soil, water and mud, and can reach food preserves. In well-made preserves there is no danger, but if there has been any defect there may be bacteria. Then, thanks to the lack of oxygen, it produces toxin, one of the most powerful toxins known: a million or less than a gram is enough to kill a person.

Fortunately, by keeping the toxin at 80ºC for ten minutes, it melts. The greatest risk is in unheated preserves, such as smoked salmon. The symptoms of poisoning are really serious. Dry mouth, nausea and dizziness. In addition, a muscle paralysis occurs that, according to the dose, can lead to death, since paralysis prevents breathing.

Precisely because of this capacity of muscle paralysis botulinum toxin is used in cosmetics. However, it has been used in medicine rather than cosmetic treatments. It is suitable for the treatment of various diseases with muscle hyperactivity. The first application was performed with strabismus in 1977. Strabismus is due to hyperactivity of the muscles that move the eyeball, so the eye cannot look correctly. Torticollis, facial spasms, and excess sweating or saliva greatly improve with the use of botulinum toxin.

From medicine to cosmetics

The first application of Botox was the treatment of strabismus.

In recent times, however, treatment has jumped from medicine to cosmetics to end wrinkles. The toxin is injected into the place where it is intended to eliminate wrinkles, the most common areas being the forehead, forehead, mouth and neck or chest. No hospital care or anesthesia is necessary, and its effect is immediate. Between the second and fourth day, the wrinkles disappear; despite trying to raise the eyebrows or put a dark front, the skin appears very soft.

But treatment is not definitive. Six months later paralysis disappears and wrinkles reappear. Therefore, you cannot stop the passage of time, the botox only manages to temporarily reduce the visible effects. Therefore, treatment should be repeated periodically. However, between the sessions you have to leave an interval of at least half a year, since otherwise you risk producing antibodies against the toxin and then the botox would have no effect.

In Spain last year the use of botulinum toxin type A was authorized in aesthetic treatments. It has been marketed under the name of Toxina Vistabel and is only possible in authorized centers. It is not cheap, because each session costs between 300 and 1,200 euros, but more and more people inject.

Some attribute to the bottle the inexpressiveness of some actors.

It is currently used in 70 countries and is widespread in the US and Britain. There they started before in Spain and there are already more than 500,000 people who have signed up. Experience already exists, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have any side effects. The lighter side effects are the alteration of the appearance of the face and the differentiation of both parts or the loss of expressiveness. In fact, some attribute to the botox the inexpressiveness of some actors.

However, it can be worse. For example, it may happen that by catching over and over again the muscles become weak and thin and the eyebrows fall off. Another risk is the one that occurs when the effect of the injection is disproportionate, it is not usual, but in that case there appears the impossibility of swallowing, talking and closing the eyes, as well as the headache. On the other hand, since it is a relatively new treatment, it is not possible to know the effect that the repeated long-term take will have.

Very soft skin

In addition to removing wrinkles, for those who want to give the skin a young look, cosmetics offers other treatments. For example, there are chemicals that have the top layer of skin “cleaning” it. These match the skin and give it a better appearance. Remove dark spots and superficial wrinkles. In any case, the impact depends on the product.

Some polishing products affect deeply.

The softest products are fruit acids, glycolic acid or alpha-hydroxide acid and phenol harder. The former work on the skin and are able to remove small wrinkles and stains. Those based on phenol reach deeper and are also used to whiten the skin. But it can happen that you then have to protect yourself from the Sun forever, otherwise there is a risk of causing significant damage to the skin.

Normally these treatments are quite painful and you may need to take medicine to eliminate pain. The skin feels hot and irritated, and in the hardest treatments it is necessary to cover the face with bandages for several days.

Acids can be replaced by physical methods to regenerate the skin. This is what is known as microdermabrasion, performed last year by a million Americans. A spray consists of applying microparticles to the skin of aluminum oxide, diamond or salt glass, followed by cleaning microparticles and dead skin.

The result is similar to that obtained with previous products. Side effects are less severe as only the surface layer is removed. However, redness, irritation, sensitivity to the Sun, and heat may appear.

The force of light

More and more men perform cosmetic treatments.

Cosmetics recommend laser treatments to remove wrinkles and skin spots as well as tattoos. The laser is a single-wavelength single-color light. In cosmetics, the energy of this light is used to destroy the surface layers of the skin. The effect is similar to the products used for skin restoration, but more concrete. However, misuse can cause color changes and skin spots.

The laser can also be used to improve the skin itself. Some treatments deepen the penetration of the laser in order to promote the production of collagen in the lower layers. This tightens the skin, causing small wrinkles to disappear and improve skin tone. This technique has many followers and has hardly any side effects.

It is clear, therefore, that cosmetics is a treatment option and that it produces news continuously. Many are quite hard and sometimes the limit between plastic surgery and cosmetics is not very clear. However, these types of treatments are becoming more and more successful, so it seems that people are not scared to see risk and beauty together.

How does botulinum toxin affect?

Botulinum toxin affects the nerves that send muscle movement. In fact, from the brain the orders are carried through the nerves of the muscles and the nerves communicate through the neurotransmitters. The peripheral nerve releases acetylcholine neurotransmitter for muscle contraction. Botulinum toxin prevents the release of acetylcholine, so the muscle is temporarily paralyzed.

Replace tea and pasta with button and champagne

Botox parties are fashionable.

Botox parties are held in various places. During these holidays, people inject the button while drinking champagne. Dermatologists from USA have published a note to see that the custom is spreading. They consider that mixing alcohol and toncillas can be very dangerous and produce serious side effects. Do not forget that the button is a toxin and that intoxication can cause death, since paralysis of the chest muscles prevents breathing.

However, those who market and work with the button consider that the risk is not at all so high. The toxin is adapted for use in cosmetics. This prevents serious poisoning. Therefore, although it is never appropriate to mix a treatment with alcohol, there is no risk of lethal intoxication.

Filler injections

Collagen, silicone or fat are used as a filler material.

There are many treatments to remove wrinkles. However, cosmetic treatments are not limited to this, but fillers are used to thicken the lips, match the holes left by wounds or diseases, highlight the mandibular bone and other appearance changes. They are injected and manufactured in collagen, silicone or fat.

Collagen is an animal tissue that helps bind cells and hold tissues. The cosmetic employee is made with connective tissue of pigs or cows and injected where you want to stand out. It is mainly used for fattening lips. The effect lasts a few months to a year and a half. The body metabolizes. Therefore it is necessary to introduce more collagen at intervals.

Side effects are mainly due to allergies. About 3% of the population is allergic to collagen. To avoid problems it is advisable to perform an allergic test before the introduction of collagen. Otherwise, itching, pain, heat and irritation appear, and in the most severe cases, shock and respiratory distress.

Collagen can be replaced by silicone, but it can produce other side effects such as moratón and silicone displacement.

Fat does not produce allergies, since it is used by the patient himself. It is used to fill deep wrinkles and thicken lips. The broadcast is difficult and lasts longer than the others.

Published in D2 section of Deia.