
The world's oldest astronaut returns to space

1998/12/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria


John Glenn, the first American astronaut to orbit Earth, returns to space on a new mission 40 years later. The objective of this mission is to measure the damage suffered by the human body in zero gravity, that is, the aging of muscle tissues, changes in the rhythm or sleep of the heart, etc. For this, Mr. Glenn will have six other young astronauts. One of them is Pedro Duque, the first Spanish astronaut.

The NASA space agency aims to analyze the damage suffered by the old man in zero gravity, since it believes that they will be much clearer than the damage suffered by the young person. John Glenne, 77, has not had the opportunity to return to space since in 1962 the Mercury module was 4 hours circling the Earth. Since then Ohio has been a state senator and has shown that it is tireless at a time when it is time to retire. The NASA agency has announced that this mission will help the human being have more life in the future.

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