
Equation to predict the shape of the Mobius band

2007/07/16 Roa Zubia, Guillermo - Elhuyar Zientzia

The image shows how a Mobius band can be made. The simple fact of twisting a long rectangle and joining the ends to get a unilateral band, the Mobius band. It is a well-known geometry for mathematicians and widely used in the world of technology and art. But so far mathematicians could not predict with a mathematical model how Mobius's band

would be in three dimensions. They have addressed some equations prepared twenty years ago and have addressed the resolution of the mathematical problem. And they discover that the three-dimensional shape of the Mobius band depends on the length and width of the initial rectangle. And, of course, they have obtained an accurate equation to predict this form. They have solved a classic problem that was almost a hundred years old.

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