
Miracle on Australian reefs

2002/12/19 Elhuyar Zientzia

The Institute of Marine Sciences has announced that the Australian barrier reef is in full health. The news is satisfactory because around the world corals were dying in recent years, according to human activity. Pollution and algae living in coral fisheries were dying and thus whitening corals.

In Australia, 60% of the barrier was affected by the disease, but it seems that measures have been taken in time and in a short time the barrier has fully recovered. Now only 6% are sick. According to those who have done protective work, the recovery of the barrier has been very rapid, so taking good care can be similar to other coral barriers located in the same wake.

The Australian barrier reef is the largest in the world, has almost 2,000 kilometers and is very tourist.

The photo was taken in 1996 by NASA space shuttle astronauts. The coral barrier is a structure parallel to the coast.

Additional information:

Coral: Treasures of the Sea
Australian Great Barrier Reef is Very Young There are
fewer coral reefs than scientists thought

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