
Electronic language

2002/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

To analyze the taste of coffee, wine, tea, mineral water, etc., and other drinks and food, the work of expert tasters is essential. But after several attempts, the sense of taste is saturated and the ability to differentiate is lost.

Now, the Brazilian agricultural research company EMBRAPA has presented a fully suitable tool for the food industry. This electronic device is able to differentiate flavors.

In the human language are the taste buds that detect the four basic flavors (sweet, salty, bitter and acid). When flavored molecules excite the nerves of the papillae, the signal is sent to the brain, where the taste is identified. It is considered that each taste sensation corresponds to a certain differential of activation of papillae receptors.

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