Antibodies to cancer
2001/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The team of immunologist Abraham Karpas of the University of Cambridge has managed to create human cells (hybridomas) specialized in monoclonal antibodies. The technique used, in principle, is not new, since 25 years ago they obtained hybridomas with mouse cells, but now, after overcoming some problems, they have done the same with human cells and have managed to create nine hybridomes, each specialized in a specific antibody, among which are those able to detect and eliminate cancer and HIV.
To create the hybridoma, two different cells must join together in a single membrane: a lymphocyte and a cancer cell called myeloma. Cloning the obtained hybrid cell can form many identical daughter cells. Then each of these daughter cells, depending on the type of cell, will secrete a certain antibody. These antibodies are called monoclonal antibodies because they come from the same cell clone.

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