
Metal microspeakers for almost everything

2004/06/22 Pikabea Amundarain, Nerea - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

The micro metal is a thread of very small structure. It has a diameter of 20-30 microns, four times smaller than human hair. It has a metal core with a pyrex glass coating. For some applications the micron is covered with cotton.

At the School of Engineering of the University of the Basque Country, a research project is being carried out in the magnetism laboratory of the Department of Applied Physics in collaboration with other laboratories. We are working on the characterization of microhemia, analyzing its electromagnetic characteristics and behavior. All the research carried out so far on microhistory has been carried out in the former Soviet Union. For years microwires have been investigated there for military use.

The range of microhysos is very wide. The microwire has electrical and magnetic properties, which together with the amorphous character of the metal core, gives it a great capacity to absorb the electromagnetism existing in the medium. It would be very appropriate, for example, to absorb electromagnetic radiation from mobile telephony.

According to Julián González, director of the Magnetism Group of the UPV, the final objective of this research is to seek applications in industrial areas. "One of the applications is the manufacture of tissues that absorb electromagnetic energy, at the level of gigas, in the frequency of work used by mobile telephony. Absorption factors over 15 decibels have been obtained and in an almost uniform bandwidth. In addition, the prototype of a new magnetic coding system based on these microspeakers has been developed. These microspeakers are being used for making antithermal lunettes in cars. So far, the antithermal lunettes have been placed only on the back, since the materials used do not allow their display, but this application aims to make lunettes that can be placed on the front ".

It can also be used to identify people and/or goods, such as controlling sports records. Different devices are used to carry out these studies. Some of them are used to study the magnetic characteristics of microspeakers and others for the effect of high-frequency electromagnetic waves.

A kilometer of microspeakers is obtained from a gram of metal. Therefore, it is not a very expensive material. Therefore, thanks to its characteristics, the UPV considers that in the future it will have many applications in all types of technologies.

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