
Not being able to get rid of dependence

2001/11/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The presence of ice cubes, ashtrays, needles and other things in which one wants to forget alcohol, tobacco or drug use has a special incidence. Its display can lead to a new fall in dependence. Why does that happen?

As in the opinion of scientists, it is because addictive substances make the brain more sensitive. According to some studies, the fact that the ice cubitado used for drinks falls to the glass can be enough to cause alcohol thirst in the former alcoholic.

A team of psychologists from the University of Michigan has found that the use of addictive substances increases the sensitivity of some nerve systems in the brain. Thus, after a long period of time without consuming, the brain is very sensitive and any stimulus that reminds you of alcohol, tobacco or the drug in question can stimulate an unstoppable irrational pulsion.

Scientists have relied on rat trials, and now have to see how this mechanism works in humans.

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