Powerful small memory software
1998/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Thanks to a new Canadian programming technique, the complicated and powerful programs currently used on personal computers will reduce your memory.

Current programs perform most functions or operations individually. If we took the code of all operating systems and programs, we would realize that the part of the code that the different programs share is very small. When we often do the same work with different programs, the computer uses a different code. In addition, each computer requires an operating system compatible with all programs.
These new software, created by the company Genetix Software in Ottawa, do not require an additional operating system and have been developed with the addition of short computer codes.
These programs are based on a common matrix that performs different functions.
These basic codes are called “genes” by Genetix members and are obtained by combining these basic “genes”.
Thus, by joining several basic parts of the genes, we would create any program and, for example, a Word 6.0 program would need a memory of 100 kilobytes, while currently needs 8.5 megabytes.

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