
Mediterranean brunette

2001/02/23 Elhuyar Zientzia

The brunette or brunette owes its name to its shape. Although the photographs only show the head, they have a long body and flattened sides. Its dorsal fins join forming a ridge from head to anus and can reach 80 centimeters in length.

The scientific name of the species that inhabits the Mediterranean is Muraena helena. Although it has a smaller head than a similar species, it can extend the mouth to the back of the eyes. Brown, it spreads throughout the Mediterranean and likes to be preserved during the day in the coastal caves. At night, in the precisely bounded area, they wait for the prisoners and do not forgive when they can.

Eat crabs, squid and any fish. When they are too large, an octopus, for example, uses a special technique to make chunks: it wraps around the belly and tutail between them making a knot. When the purple has the prey in the mouth, it pushes it to the side of the knot and when released it manages to remove part of the prey.

To clear its name and against what was believed, it must be clarified that the Mediterranean cormorants are not poisonous. The bite can damage the wound, especially because it can contain traces of rotten food on the teeth. However, it only attacks him when he feels threatened.

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