
Days of mathematical dissemination at the Science Museum of San Sebastian

2004/11/23 Roa Zubia, Guillermo - Elhuyar Zientzia

What can be done to contribute to the dissemination of mathematics? It is not a simple task, since the first step is to deal with the image of mathematics in today's society. In fact, there is a strong differentiation in society between two cultures, letters and sciences. And in that distinction mathematics is the worst known.

Despite this image, it is not easy to divulge mathematics. Yes, it is the basis of all other sciences. The importance of mathematics for technical aspects is not questioned. However, mathematical topics scare the ordinary public. Therefore, it is received by those who do not need it, who know the subject.

To reflect on this, experts from all over the state gathered at the Science Museum in San Sebastian for two days. Organized by UPV-EHU mathematician Raúl Ibáñez, on November 17 and 18 professionals from different fields met. There have been mathematicians, of course, but also journalists, professors, museum directors, etc. Among others, the Elhuyar Foundation has had a representative to communicate the dissemination in Basque.

To a greater or lesser extent, all participants have participated in the dissemination of mathematics, experience that have been shared in these days. They were divided into three sections: press and media, research and education and museums and publications. Each of the sections formed a group in which a diagnosis of the problem was made in each of the groups and proposals were made to change the situation.

A total of fifty people participated. The Science Museum will be the starting point for collecting conclusions and making other reflections.

What was done during the conference is available on the Divulgamat website.

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