To Mars in two weeks
2001/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Today the trip to Mars takes between eight and nine months and, since for astronauts it is essential to transport food, water, air... for eight months, the containers become very heavy. In addition, a shield must be placed to protect the container from cosmic radiation if the life of passengers is to be guaranteed. Therefore, a trip to Mars can hardly be proposed today. If you could reduce the travel time...
Researchers at Ben Gurion University of Israel have stated that they have discovered a fuel that would drastically reduce trips to Mars: amerizium-242m. According to the researchers, it is able to maintain a continuous nuclear fission acting as a metal layer thinner than microia. Thus, fission products can escape at full speed, propelling the container. Americium requires light reactors and the small mass is sufficient to cause propulsion. It is very scarce and expensive. You will see what this news gives.

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