
Looking at Mars

1999/08/15 Kortabarria Olabarria, Beñardo - Elhuyar Zientzia

Among the themes of space highlights Mars. Recently the Global Surveyor probe is sending us concrete images and maps of it, as well as three dimensions. Despite lasting a few hours, images of a 1,800 x 1,450 km and 320 km of width have also reached Earth. They say that signs of tectonic plates have been found, even though today it has a solid area. And the Japanese have also launched their probe to Mars, to analyze, among other things, whether there has been enough heat for some living being on the red planet or if there is ice under the surface.

In short, we could say that Martians are already part of human mythology, but since they do not come here, we have to go to Mars.

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