
Restoration of laser paint

2002/11/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Until now the laser was not used to restore the paints, since it was considered that heat can cause damage. However, according to a paper published in the specialized journal Analitical Chemistry, Marta Castillejo and her team have invented the way to use the laser in restorations.

According to the results of this research, the laser does not harm painting, but has been shown to be better than the chemical methods used now. To remove the dirt accumulated over the years on the surface of the frames, a gas laser has been used to take advantage of the crypton fluoride, obtaining a light with a certain wavelength in the spectrum of the ultraviolets. To avoid damaging the pigments as the dirt is being removed, the process is controlled by computer. In addition, through a spectroscope that carries the system, an analysis of the components is performed. In this way, it is guaranteed that the painting does not deteriorate.

Compared to conventional chemical methods, it presents a number of advantages, such as the lower environmental impact than conventional solvents and chemicals, and has been shown to serve to restore paints damaged by fire. It is already working to get a portable prototype.

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