Flights closer to earth to reduce pollution
2002/10/17 Elhuyar Zientzia

Aircraft flights are known to increase the greenhouse effect. On the one hand, the engines, when using the fuel, emit carbon dioxide. On the other hand, it has been shown that these whitish tracks that produce water vapor and ice in the back of the planes behave in a similar way to the clouds, that is, they do not let the heat escape and, therefore, raise the temperature.
In 1999, a group of experts calculated that the influence of white brands on the greenhouse effect was equivalent to carbon dioxide. However, due to the interannual increase of 3.5% of air traffic and the increase in the number of aircraft at altitudes in which the white footprint is produced, it is estimated that by the year 2050 the effect of the white marks will be greater than that of carbon dioxide.
However, to avoid white traces, it is enough to fly closer to the ground. Therefore, it is proposed to descend from an altitude of 10,000 to 7.000-9.500 m. In this way, the influence of brands will be avoided. However, at this altitude, the planes need more fuel and, therefore, they emit more carbon dioxide. According to the researchers at Imperial College in London, flying closer to the earth means 4% more carbon dioxide. However, taking into account that in the long term the damage caused by the white footprints is greater, in the end it has been concluded that it is convenient for the planes to circulate at lower altitude.

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