Earth Day 2002: Call to Care for Mother
2002/04/21 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia
On 22 April 1970, 20 million Americans took streets, parks and halls with the sole intention of showing their interest in the environment and promoting actions to protect nature. Since then, with more or less force, every year Earth Day is celebrated all over the world.
Introduction to Earth Day

The movement did not begin like this. Nowadays betting on the care of the environment is ‘politically correct’, indeed, as it is well seen to be ‘green’, there are companies that dress that color to be accepted in the market and sell more. But 30-40 years ago, society in the US and developed countries in general was very different.
At that time the industry was growing and people accepted pollution according to the changes that facilitated their lives. No anti-pollution measures were taken, and the growing presence of industries increased enormously. Thus, in the 1930s, and also in the 1950s, the Ohio Christopher River, born in the largest industrial estate in the U.S., burned down due to the remains of its factories on both sides. However, there was no reproach and the surrounding neighbors easily forgot.
In the 1960s, however, people begin to change their attitudes. The damage caused by chemicals used in industries and homes was evident, and when in 1969 industrial emissions caused a new fire in the{ ohoga river, people responded immediately. For example, the song ‘Burn on, Big River, Burn on’ (Erre zaitez, ibai handia, erre zaitez) was heard on radios across the country.
At the same time, the fight against the Vietnam war was increasingly evident. The anti-war demonstrations demonstrated the ability of individuals to change public policy and behavior.
Among other actions, pacifist groups taught anti-war classes in schools. Given the usefulness of this method, Gaylord Senator Nelson Wisconsin came up with similar methods that could also be used for the environment. This idea was the seed of Earth Day. On April 22, 1970, the first Earth Day was celebrated, with a great response.
Incidence of a day
The goal was to show people's concern for nature and force politicians to take action. In this sense, Earth Day exceeded the expectations of the senator: in addition to the classes taught in schools, thousands of people participated in the activities organized in their villages or associations. It should be noted that most of the interventions and actions were carried out through local initiatives.
The success of the first Earth Day is not limited to that day, as the movement undertaken was able to change the laws. Over the next three years, the Environmental Protection Agency was created, establishing clean air and water and endangered species laws.
However, Earth Day lost strength and, although celebrated every year, did not get the first echo. Yes, the environmental movement was underway and there are eleven groups working to protect the environment throughout the world.
In 1990, Denis Hayes promoted World Earth Day, one of the organizers of the first Earth Day. Result: 200 million people participated worldwide, ten times more than in 1970. Once again, the need to protect the environment, an environment in which the 1992 Rio de Janeiro summit arrived, was highlighted. Earth Day 2000 also had great strength, and this year will also be important, among other things because it will focus on the Earth Summit convened by the United Nations.
Earth Day 2002, here

The 2002 Earth Summit will be held from 26 August to 4 September in Johannesburg. Earth Day Network, which coordinates Earth Day, aims to bring to this summit local diagnoses and proposals. Keep in mind that the call brings together hundreds of groups from all continents.
For example, in Hego Euskal Herria, the environmental organization Lurra has joined the call of the Earth Day Network and has presented two projects around Earth Day: on the one hand, today, they will take a txoko from Barakaldo and turn it into rural. They want to draw the attention of the people to realize that the Basque Country can become a great metropolis.
The other project is deeper: a working tool for environmental health analysis and the proposed measures has been developed, which has been made available to groups and individuals. The resulting report will be forwarded to the Earth Day Network, which will take you to the Johannesburg Earth Summit. So if we want to do something for Earth, there is the opportunity.
Published in the supplement Estación de Gara.

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