
Comet Wild 2 may have been born near the Sun

2006/06/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Comet Wild 2 may have been born near the Sun
01/06/2006 | Elhuyar
(Photo: Recent searches

Two years ago, NASA's Stardust mission received the calcium aluminum inclusions of comet Wild 2. Many of these minerals must be produced near a star at temperatures of 1000 ° C. So far it was thought that comets were created outside the star system, but it may be necessary to discard it.

Researchers have proposed two options to explain what was discovered. According to the first, Wild 2 was born near the Sun, but then moved out of the solar system to take the current orbit. This would mean that when the solar system was created the gas cloud was more confusing than expected. According to the second, these particles have occurred in another star and, having traveled through space, they would have collided with comet Wild 2 and were stuck. However, in four months one will know which of the two options is possible since the study of isotopes of particles has already been carried out. Often, each star leaves its signature on the particles it generates, as it generates certain isotopes.

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