
New wonderful lenses

1997/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

More and more people are using contact lenses, although often they are not very comfortable. Researchers from Australia, the US and Switzerland have managed to create new lenses by combining polymers. They say they are more comfortable and can also be used night and day throughout the month.

The new wonderful lenses, in addition to filtering up to six times more oxygen than conventional virgin lenses, can be used for a long time without removing it.

Today the consumer can choose between two types of lenses: soft hydroguerías and hard permeable gas. The soft ones are more comfortable, but they can not be placed for a long time, since to the cornea comes little oxygen. For their part, the hard ones can be used for longer, but some users consider them uncomfortable.

In order to solve the deficits of both, researchers from Australia, the US and Switzerland have conducted numerous experiments for five years. Finally, after dealing with more than 80 formulations, they have managed to make wonderful lenses. These lenses filter up to six times more oxygen than conventional modern lenses. In addition, you can use long time without removing.

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