
More powerful laser

1996/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Until now the lasers could not overcome the power of the Terawatios (1012 W) without destroying it. However, in California, scientist Michael Perry and his team have surpassed the petawatt barrier (1015 W). With a picosecond (10-12”) they have achieved a power of 1.3 petawatios.

Three nanoseconds in this technique (3. 19-12 s-ero) requires laser pulse. The lower the pulsation, the more powerful the light will be. In this case, the duration of the light is even less (0.5 eyepieces) thanks to the diffraction that multiplies the power.

Researchers want to use this technique in nuclear fusion, plasma physics or X-ray generation.

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