Text written in Basque and translated automatically by Elia without any subsequent editing. SEE ORIGINAL
Stay calm!
2001/09/20 Carton Virto, Eider - Elhuyar Zientzia
The Japanese researchers have presented today through the journal Nature ceramic materials that are
tenfold elongated, maintained and not broken. These properties will adapt to conventional technology, as well as metals and polymers.
tenfold elongated, maintained and not broken. These properties will adapt to conventional technology, as well as metals and polymers.
Ceramic materials are mixtures of complex, mostly fragile oxides. In engineering only a few corrosion resistant metals are used. Superplastic ceramic materials have small grains that can be baked together, allowing tensioning and molding without breaking. But slowly and normally not with conventional technology.
However, superplastic ceramics synthesized by researchers at the Tsukuba National Institute of Materials can deform a thousand times faster than the rest and resist conventional technology. A 1.650ºC is very fast and very abundant.
More information in Nature

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