Tips for Improving Physical Working Conditions (II)
1991/11/01 Agirre, Jabier - Medikua eta OEEko kidea Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Work on foot
Physical problems that can arise when working standing in a small space are more serious (hairdressers, shops, etc. ). We will speak, therefore, of the first, of its negative consequences and of its possible solutions.

In the case of those who remain standing without working the tread muscles for a long time, the body weight is weakening and flattening the tread vault. Therefore, it is important to use shoes that mark and hold the tread arch of those who have to stand without the possibility of walking for a long hour (p.e. Scalaproins of wood) and perform daily exercises to strengthen the muscles of the tread (e.g. Lift a paper from the floor with the toes).
Another consequence of this posture is the weakening it produces in the abdominal muscles. This means excessive curvature in the lumbar area, with the possibility of causing serious problems at the cervical level (neck). In many trades of these characteristics, these problems can be palliated by placing a whistle or a horizontal bar at a height of 15-30 cm and supporting a foot on it, where it is most often found.
In the spine, the lumbar curvature (lumbar) is the point on which to pay attention. If we observe that this curvature has increased, we will respond with a slight contraction of the abdominal muscles, thus getting the entrance of the pelvis forward.
Getting enough sleep, lying face-up with legs supported on the wall, massages and contrast baths (hot water/cold water) are the remedies for circulation.
For those who work standing up
- Use footwear that supports the Oinzola vault.
- Support the feet alternatively on a rod or whistle.
- Slight abdominal muscle contraction.
- Attention to the traffic of the legs.
- Foot toning exercises and correct posture of the back.
Professions to go through
Although it is true that walking is an unbeatable physical exercise, doing it for a long time, with inadequate footwear or inadequate weight can cause problems.
Let's see, then, what are the components that most often can cause complications in both feet and back.
A hard and flat land, like the streets of the cities, causes small and continuous steps in the dress of empty feet or of strong shoes, which are absorbed by all the joints. In the long term, the pressure exerted by the body on the basis and these microtraumatisms provoke, on the one hand, the planning of the foot and the atrophy of its joints.

To walk a lot through the city or the road (postcards, housewives, etc.) It is essential the use of shoes similar to those used by the bottom runners: a shoe with the surface between the sole and the foot elastic enough to receive blows and suction, being so flexible that the displacement of the foot to one side or to another is not prevented.
It must be taken into account, however, that all shoes or shoes that are called sports do not meet these requirements. Good quality shoes are usually made of durable material sufficient to prevent or delay the wear of the sole and with at least one layer of more arolic material to cushion or cushion the shocks between the sole and the heel.
Another important factor is the masks, bags or sacks that are usually carried on, since in the shorter or longer term they produce deviations in the back. It seems that the Post Office has not yet become aware of this problem. If it is necessary to carry on this type of loads, you have to alternate the time that is carried between the two faces, although the use of the backpack is much more appropriate.
The irregular terrain is much better for the foot than the hard urban ground. However, the fact of walking long on a rough terrain (rocks) with too soft shoes makes the ankles tired. Resistant, disposable, protective footwear, but tightens the foot and limits movements. For those who have to walk a lot in the mountain or who are in the excuse, it is best to alternate both types of footwear.
- Use shoes adapted to the floor to tread.
- Rationalized transport of weights and charges.
- Maintain the elasticity of the legs.
Teachers and teachers
Among the people who work standing, the teachers form a different and special group for the characteristics of the work they do, that is, for the use of the voice, for writing on the slate, and for writing on tables of little height to help or direct the children.
• Voice • Voice
The ejection of air without being aware of the respiration and control of the diaphragm is an excessive work and effort for the throat, resulting in irritations and afonias. The tension and increase in the lumbar curvature of the muscles of the neck and the trapezoid muscle are also caused by poor use of voice and breathing.
Diaphragm control exercises are the most suitable for avoiding efforts in the neck area. These exercises are not so simple and to master the voice, in some cases it will be necessary to resort to an expert. But, at least to begin with, we will explain one of the simplest exercises:
- Fill the lungs with air, without too much supposing the area of the clavicles, the area of the neck or the abdomen.
- Open the mouth releasing air by contracting the abdomen.
- The proper performance of this exercise will prevent any obstruction or contraction in the neck and will cause a silent release.

When we master this exercise we can begin to become more complicated: so, as we throw the air, we can make noises or start talking.
• Slate
The dimensions of this instrument, as well as its usual place and location in the classroom, are strictly anatomical. The effort required to write at the top and bottom of the slate generates tension in the neck area, shoulders and dorsal waist.
The slate should be mobile, of those who move from top to bottom, to be able to always write to the height of the eyes. Otherwise, writing should be discarded at the upper and lower ends of the slate. And to alleviate the harmful effects that this misuse produces on the body, it is advisable to perform exercises of rotation of head and shoulders, along with stretches of dorsal waist and ribs.
• Bending
It is one of the things that often have to do to teachers. For this not to harm them, they should bend their knees as they bend forward and preferably lean with their hands to ease the spine effort. Strengthening abdominal and dorsal muscles will limit and reduce efforts to the vertebrae when bending.

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