Oldest floral plant
2002/06/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

In China have been found the oldest fossils of plants with known flowers. Scientists have created a new group of plants called Archaefructaceae. Within the group two species have been differentiated: Archaefructus sinensis and Archaefructus lianogensis.
The plants are from the same time as the dinosaurs, 125 million years ago. The fossils have been preserved very well to separate the parts of the flowers. For this reason, they have been able to clarify how the plant lived and reproduces. Scientists have come to the conclusion that the plant was going to be aquatic due to a too thin stem to remain standing. In addition, at the base of the leaves have found a kind of inflammation that would give the plant the ability to float.
This group of plants is closer to plants with flowers that we know today than of plants with primitive form. According to scientists, the Archaefructaceae group has no offspring at present.

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